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Toast's PFP
His current profile picture, commissioned to and created by an artist known as VDR.

SenorToast (Usually referred to as Toast) is a garfcordian and semi-former r/196 frequenter. He is one of the older garfcordians, having been there since before its rebrand as The People's Republic of Garfield. Toast is a somewhat active member, but usually lurks in chat and posts images from time to time. During the election, Toast has also shown his support for the Leftist Capybaras on Meth party.


Toast has been in garfcord ever since its involvement in r/place in April of 2022. During this time, he was active around the segments of Spronkus Kronkus (r/196's mascot), r/BONEWORKS's segment and the mural to Scott The Woz. All of these locations ended up intact come the archival of r/place and can still be viewed via the r/place atlas. Long afterwards, he decided to apply for moderator and got accepted, but was later removed due to inactivity. Nowadays, he mainly just talks from time to time, Idk what else to put here lol


-Toast is bisekal bionicle bisdkjalkhd The one with the fucking vaporwave color flag idk

-Toast has quite a few hobbies, including retro gaming, airsoft, virtual reality, ascending into the void, etc.