The Glorious Party of 3

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The Glorious Party of 3 was one of the many political parties during the 2022 August Garfcord Election. Their main promise if they won the election was to give everyone in the server, and their mothers, a fish.

Founding Date

They were founded on February 30, 2022. By Goku.

The 2022 Election

From the moment the party was created, it was clear that the 1984 moderators did not want the party to succeed. They removed nearly every trace of the party existing, including the founding of the party and every mention of them in the actual polls. Except for one poll, the final election vote on August 19, 2022 set up by Turtlemonger. Immediately, 3 took the lead and garnered nearly 300 votes in mere minutes. Many hours later, 3 had gained 151,572 votes, and the end of the poll was nearing. Fearful that 3 was winning, the 1984 mods began banning people who voted for 3, but they could not ban everyone. By the end of the poll, 3 had 158 votes, unfortunately losing the election, and not being able to give everyone and their mothers a fish.