Treaty of Wikipedia

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The signatures of Joxi / Neil (representing the P.R.G.) and Aleph (representing Wikiposting) to the Treaty of Wikipedia.

The Treaty of Wikipedia, also known as the Treaty of Wikiposting, was a peace treaty signed on 17 October 2023 and the reformative constitution of Wikiposting Triumvirate, the official broadcaster of the Daily-Wikipedia channel. It was the decisive document which officially ended the Dailies War between the People's Republic of Garfield and Wikipedia-Posting.

Treaty of Wikipedia (full text)


In due consideration of the recent battles which have been occurring betwixt the nations of the People’s Rebuplic of Garfield1, and the land of Daily-Wikipedia, it is imperative for the leaders of both nations to seek an everlasting peace which will secure our peoples from chaos and disharmony. Therefore shall this treaty ensure the concordance of both nations and their leaders in order to allow all to not be burdened under such gruesome warfare.

Article I

Replacing the obsolete land of Daily-Wikipedia2 shall be the Triumvirate of Wiki-posting3, which shall function autonomously under the sovereign jurisdiction of the PRG4, and be led by 3 triumvirs. In addition, the PRG shall appoint a delegate be represented in certain matters regarding certain affairs of Wiki-posting.

Upon the signing of this treaty, the PRG shall appoint JOXITUK to serve as the delegate of the PRG to Wiki-posting. The PRG shall have the right to appoint and oust their delegates at its own discretion. Both the Triumvirate and the PRG shall forever respect one another’s rights and responsibilities as outlined in this treaty. The Triumvirate shall additionally swear an oath of allegiance to the PRG, and refrain from engaging in warfare or demeaning the PRG.

Article II

A triad of triumvirs shall be appointed to govern and execute the functions of the Wiki-posting Triumvirate. In addition, one triumvir shall be considered primus inter pares and assume the title of Triumvir Primarius.

Upon the signing of this treaty, the following persons shall assume the office of triumvir:

• ALEPF, who shall assume the title of Triumvir Primarius,

• DIRTT, who shall assume the title of Triumvir,

• SHALODEY, who shall assume the title of Triumvir.

Article III

The triumvirate shall be tasked with broadcasting a hyperlink directing to an encyclopedic article to the people of Wiki-posting once per day. Times for broadcasting shall ideally be divided such that each triumvir will only broadcast after every other triumvir has broadcasted since their previous broadcast. The schedule shall be decided by informal consensus among the triumvirs themselves.

Article IV

The following laws have been set to ensure order and cleanliness within Wiki-posting:

1. Each triumvir, in addition to the delegate of the PRG, may only commentate on a broadcast once per day.

2. The Triumvir Primarius shall maintain the ability to censor excessive commentaries, should they violate the first law.

3. A broadcast shall be limited to one hyperlink per day. If however a triumvir has, at their own discretion, decided that the current day is particularly special, they have the right to post a second hyperlink, but no more.

4. The capacity to broadcast is predominantly restricted to the triumvirs. However if 2 of the triumvirs explicitly agree to allow a non-triumvir to broadcast, the non-triumvir shall have the privilege to do thusly. However if it happens subsequently that at least one triumvir has retracted their vote to the non-triumvir broadcaster, then the privilege to broadcasting shall be immediately stripped from the non-triumvir.

Article V

A communication channel, entitled “Wikiposting-Triumvirate”, shall be established, separate from Wiki-posting, where the triumvirs will be able to decide schedules for broadcasting and other affairs of the Wiki-posting. The communication channel shall be restricted to the triumvirs, People’s Staff, and the delegate of the PRG.

Article VI

The PRG maintains the right to oust a triumvir should said triumvir violate any of the terms laid out in this treaty or the Rules of the PRG, following a concise and understandable message issued to the ousted.

The triumvirs and non-triumvir broadcasters also maintain the right to boycott the PRG by not broadcasting, following a concise and understandable message issued to the ousted.

Article VII

An amendment to this treaty may only be implemented with the explicit agreement of the PRG delegate to Wiki-posting and at least 2/3 of the triumvirs.


1. Represented by Joxituk.

2. Represented by Alepf.

3. Shortened to "Daily-Wikipedia" or "Wiki-posting" or "Daily-Wikiposting".

4. Acronym for the People's Rebuplic of Garfield.




