Katherine, the great, the feared, the formidable

Lay your eyes upon mine work and feel the magnitude and weight of it. Tremble before even the most meager of projects I've attempted. My mere presence is too frightening for most, my mere mention too horrifying :3
Hailing from the deep wilderness of the Bavarian highlands, on the bank of the vicious river danube, Katherine weebs her web of intrigue, spreading her influence far beyond the throne of blood she sits on.
When a friend shared her the directions to the gates of hell (linked the subreddit r/196), she began frequenting it, slowly familiarizing herself with the creatures that live there, and the works they create. As a result, when the r/place event began, she aligned herself with hell, and joined the discord server where they coordinated.
Place Era
I'm gonna finish this page eventually I promise
Also thank you Alperen for making the table of contents <3
Before the coup
After the coup
The election
Second Promotion
Role in Garfcourt
Realms under control

Kate is the adoptive mother to at least 6 server members; Tanuki, Irene, Trish, Cattum, Artemis, and Beau. She raises them together with Glonk, who was kidnapped by Artemis and accomplices from the dad store.
Her siblings are Eeprom and Toast because they are cool and neat
- Moderator
- Usurper
- Knight
- Criminal mastermind
- Garfcordians
- Villain
- Ourple Rockers
- Gay Waluigi Party
- Slanderer
- Brisket cultist
- Moderator (reddit)(her own subreddit not any garfcord related ones)
- Old Garfcordian
- Custom role
- To anyone reading the categories hiiii :3
- Great
- Feared
- Formidable
- Oppa homeless style
- Is there a way to look up all the categories that exist?
- Characters
- Did you know that wiki means fast? At least I'm pretty sure it does
- WOAH!!!! easter eggg! :) you found it!! congrats! Your reward is uhhhh it's ummm it's one Kate token that you now can uhhhhh you can use it ummmm for many things like ummmmm
- Antagonist
- Protagonist
- Supporting character